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Experience a weekend of French animation films organized by the Alliance Francaise of Jaipur at The Open Space Society (TOSS). The programming is a part of Alliance Francaise Jaipur’s cine weekend festival, which will focus on select themes for one weekend every month- from gender and queer identities, to politics, race, environment and much more, all through the lens of award winning films!

All films are subtitled in English for our audience.

Venue: The Open Space Society

Les hirondelles de kaboul (Swallows of Kabul)

Duration : 1h21
Age: 18 and above

Summer 1998 – Kabul is under the Taliban rule. Zunaira and Mohsen are young and in love. Despite the daily violence and misery, they hope for a better future. One day, a foolish gesture causes life to take an irrevocable turn. A stunning narrative on politics, both personal and the larger, The Swallows of Kabul, set to screen by Zabou Breitman and Eléa Gobbe-Mevellec dive into the Taliban rule and achieve a beautiful animated adaptation of Yasmina Khadra’s eponymous novel, offsetting love in the times of oppression.

Dilili in Paris

Duration 1h37
French with English subtitles
Age:  Children and adults

With the help of her friend, a delivery-boy, Dilili, a young Kanak, investigates a spate of mysterious kidnappings of young girls that is plaguing Belle Epoque Paris. In the course of her investigation she encounters a series of extraordinary characters, each of whom provides her with clues that will help her in her quest. After Kirikou and Azur & Asmar, Michel Ocelot returns with an enchanting new tale of brave young heroes, mysteries and discoveries, kidnappings and ordeals, extraordinary places and magical encounters, in which good must challenge dark forces and triumph.

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